Become a Volunteer
KidsOut was founded by Rotary on the spirit of volunteerism
and service to the community. That ideal still runs strongly through the charity and we rely heavily on the generous support of numerous volunteers
Why you/your organisation should get involved.
The business environment continues to evolve. We know that stakeholder expectations, from customers, investors and employees (your greatest asset), are now placing more emphasis on social criteria in the workplace, particularly community engagement.

For your team:
- Improved team morale
- Opportunity to identify future leaders
For your Organisation:
- More engaged workforce
- Recruitment: >50% of millennials said a company’s involvement in good causes influenced their decision to accept a job
- Retention: Once millennials have joined, they’re more likely to stay if they feel their passions are fulfilled
- Increased external reputation
- Recognition for your contribution
- ESG reporting – enhance the content and impact of business reporting

If you are interested in getting more involved call us on: 01525 385 252 or email: [email protected]
Be an advocate
Even if you do not live locally to KidsOut or cannot commit much time, we still need your help to get the word out. Be an advocate for KidsOut and disadvantaged children by sharing our message online and in person. If you have special knowledge or contacts you think could help us, let us know.