Many happy childhood memories created at Kent Summer Fair

Children along with their mothers, enjoyed a day filled with laughter and fun at the first-ever KidsOut Kent Summer Fair.

The quintessentially English, summer fair, included ever-popular attractions that many adults today will have fond memories of as children.

From classic games like a coconut shy, shooting range, and the must-have, ‘Hook a Duck,’ to activities such as ‘Beat the Goalie’ and pony rides, there was no shortage of entertainment for the 176 disadvantaged children who attended. Children also had the opportunity to showcase their creativity at the boat-making station, adding a personal touch to the festivities. A magician mesmerized the crowd, adding an enchanting element to the day’s events.

The fair was not just about games and activities; delicious food was also a highlight of the day. The scent of a BBQ lingered in the air, offering grilled favourites for everyone to enjoy. Sweet treats like candyfloss and ice cream added to the culinary delights, pleasing both children and adults alike.

As the day came to a close, happy and content children bid farewell as they boarded coaches to head home, eagerly anticipating next year’s fair.

“The kids have never had such a lovely day out,” said one of the mothers. “It was wonderful to see them so happy and engaged in all the activities. We can’t wait for next year!”

KidsOut’s CEO, Sara Williams said, “The success of the KidsOut Kent’s Summer Fair was a result of diligent planning and effort from all involved. We cannot thank the amazing OENO Future Group enough who kindly sponsored the day. We would also like to give special recognition to one of our wonderful charity Ambassadors and his family for hosting this incredible event. With such positive feedback and a strong sense of togetherness and community spirit, the Kent Summer Fair has laid a strong and wonderful foundation for future Summer Fairs.”

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