Children visit cinema for the first time

Thanks to our wonderful charity partner, Odeon Cinemas, in the last five months we have been able to send over 6000 children plus their families to the cinema with the most popular film requested by children being Kung Fu Panda 4.

The Odean kindly provides tickets to KidsOut for use by families in refuge allowing entry to cinemas right across the UK at times and days that suit them.

A refuge manager told KidsOut, “So often we hear it’s the first time a child has been to the cinema. Before they leave here they are smiling but not knowing what to expect they say very little. When they return however it’s a totally different story, they are so excited that they can’t stop talking. It genuinely makes such a difference to children and this is reflected in the mothers who are delighted to see their children so happy.”

One mother in refuge with her two girls wrote: “Today you have really cheered me up. I have had the worst time coming to refuge and getting to go to the cinema in the first week, have time to relax and enjoy some time with my girls has made the biggest difference.”

You can pay for a child or children to go to the cinema by visiting our Giving Tree, Fun & Happiness Shop on our website. Don’t forget the popcorn!