Because every child deserves a little magic in their lives

Circus Starr, is an amazing organisation who bring the fun of the circus to children and families with additional needs. They say that every child, whoever they are, deserves a little magic in their lives.

The organisation helps children who are disadvantaged, including those with disabilities, children affected by domestic violence, and those who face life-limiting conditions, and gifted KIdsOut with tickets so we could help vulnerable children visit shows across the Midlands, Yorkshire, and Humberside.

Circus Starr say that many families report that they have faced discrimination when it comes to accommodating children with special needs, Circus Starr, however, actively encourage children to let themselves go in their ‘tutt-free zone’ where children are free to jump around, dance and shout as much as they want, and importantly let go of their worries.

Why not check out their UK schedule to find the nearest show to you: Circus Starr (circus-starr.org.uk)