Life-changing Refuge Makeover


There are approximately 700 refuges in the UK providing a sanctuary to families who have fled abuse. Those entering refuge may have to live with their family in one room for a period of up to 2 years. With space at a premium and so many individuals sharing one property, refuges can look tired and unloved quite quickly.

For a generous donation of £3,000 you can pay for a refuge to be transformed into a bright and inviting living space for several families who call the refuge ‘home’.

From decorating, to new furniture, soft furnishings, bedding, and kitchen equipment, for some families it may be the first time they have ever slept in new sheets, or walked on new carpet.

Depending whether the refuge has a garden, your donation could also pay for swings, a slide, or playhouse.

Those donating to transform a mother and child refuge, will receive a framed certificate thanking them for their considerable generosity plus photographs of the work carried out in your name.