Children from refuge enjoy thrilling watersports adventure on the Thames

In a heartwarming and unforgettable experience, a group of 16 children from refuge basked in the sunshine while embarking on an action-packed day of sailing boats and water sports on the River Thames.

Thanks to the generosity of Mirabaud Asset Management Group, a dedicated corporate partner of KidsOut, and led by the enthusiastic Calum Hedley from Mirabaud, who envisioned the outing as a chance for the children to create lasting memories reminiscent of his own childhood adventures, the group ventured to the Docklands Sailing and Watersports Centre. Here, under the guidance of the experienced centre team, the children were paired up and set out on the water in their own sailing boats, equipped with essential buoyancy aids and briefed on water safety measures.

From learning the basics of steering and paddling to engaging in a spirited game of sailing boat football with rival teams, the children relished every moment of the day. Such initiatives, often spearheaded by compassionate corporate partners, not only offer disadvantaged children unique experiences but also provide a crucial avenue for them to simply relax and have fun.

As temperatures soared, many of the children culminated their thrilling day by gleefully plunging into the refreshing waters of the dock, ending the adventure on a high note. Mirabaud’s unwavering support ensured that the entire 3-hour workshop, inclusive of a hearty lunch, was a resounding success, easing the financial burden during the prolonged summer break.

The event not only brought joy and laughter to the young participants but also extended the gesture of appreciation to their mothers and refuge workers, who were treated to a day of camaraderie and relaxation. A truly memorable and heartwarming day was shared by all.

Thank you Mirabaud.